Tag Archives: College

The Real World: REAL WORLD

Modest Mouse – A Different City

Today I realized I am a real New Yorker.

I was on my way back from Boston, riding the Megabus (again) and I believe, other than the two dirty hipsters carrying broken guitars and vintage suitcases, I was the only true resident of the city. One of the statements that tipped me off (and made me cringe) was a college student behind me complaining that once the bus had dropped us off at 28th st and 9th ave he would have to walk ALL THE WAY to 30th street and 8th ave. Every 15 minuets this boy interrupted my attempt at sleeping during the 4hr drive by almost hacking up a lung directly behind me. So, once I was forced to listen to his whiny inexcusable  laziness I started contemplating the ease of escaping through the emergency window directly to my left.

I shouldn’t be astonished at this, especially since the boy was going to college in Boston. But, I am disappointed that a majority of the American population can be so daunted by a few city blocks, as if physical activity was physically repulsive.

I love living in NYC.

I love having to walk everywhere.


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Filed under Cars, Observations, Rants

Parsons V. NYU: Battle of the Renovations

Urban campuses are often a collection of mismatched buildings that are donated or acquired by a college or university over time, and in most cases, beggars can’t be choosers. Many smaller schools don’t even own the buildings they occupy, making it difficult to control their students’ environments in the same way that non-urban campuses who own their own buildings can.

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Filed under Architecture, Interior Design, New York City, Urban Landscape